Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Taste of Autumn

Want to see some autumn colors from Oklahoma?

There's a nature preserve a few miles from us that, in over 30 years, we've never checked out!

Last Sunday the weather was so perfect. After church, I declared a convertible ride/photo venture afternoon. Hubby obligingly said "sure, where to?"

I didn't have a clue. I felt like I've photographed everything within an hour's ride around here. Then I remembered this Red Bud Valley Nature Preserve I'd heard about over the years.

It's like going to another state, it's so different than the rest of this locale. We weren't dressed for this somewhat rugged hike, so we only did half of it. All I wanted was a few fall-color pix anyway :)

I'm looking forward to going back in the spring.

1 comment:

HighDLife said...

It always amazes me that you can take a walk in the woods and make it look SOOOO great and special. Love it... Always adds to my gallery in my mind of us.