Not only do I want to change the appearance, but the name. Although I really do like Mystical Gyspy. It just seems like it's time for a change. Something whimsical & artsy.
Must be spring fever.
Here's the problem: I picked up a copy of Artful Blogging magazine. It's so inspiring. Beautiful pictures, fabulous art, thoughtful prose. But my brain is on overload from work projects and I'm empty when I sit down at this computer. *sigh ~ oh to be filthy rich* (read: cottage by the sea, studio with big windows, creating while watching afghan hounds frolic in the sand and waves)
I can see conceptual sparkles glimmering off in the distance. Surely an idea will hatch soon!
I can see conceptual sparkles glimmering off in the distance. Surely an idea will hatch soon!
photographs by Mystical Gypsy; Serendipitous Moment at Honor Heights Park, Muskogee, OK