Saturday, August 7, 2010

Art Dolls

The art doll club I belong to has a display at Hardesty Library this month. My little fairy is right there for all the world to see. And there she is, top row, center!It was at this very library about 3 years ago that I saw a display like this and knew I had to learn how to do this!Silly me - I thought the dolls were made from kits, or that you purchase the bodies & make the costumes. Was I ever in for a surprise! Right down to those tiny little fingers, everything is made by the doll artists. Yes, hair, too.I love this library. I don't mind one bit paying taxes for it or racking up book fines. Browsing the library is better than going to the mall, I think. Once or twice a year, the club holds a special workshop here with a well known instructor and they are oh, so much fun!!Click here to see more pictures from the display & browse the TDD blog. Best of all, stop by the library and see the display in person. You will be charmed. By the way, they have a great selection of books on doll-making. Check it out!

1 comment:

Alice Stroppel said...

She's beautiful. It's so much fun to watch as the personality de elope and the face comes alive. And being able to share with everyone it the topper. I love faces and she ls a winner.