Saturday, April 22, 2017


The other day when I posted a blog, I noticed on the sidebar that I started this thing in 2007. In September I'll have been posting pictures, stories, & thoughts here for TEN years!!

(cell phone photo - old bridge in Pawhuska, OK)

In the early days, Blogger would only let you upload small pictures and it took forever, so they needed to be a small resolution, too. Many improvements have been made over the years - bigger sizes, higher rez & batch uploading. So I decided to go back and adjust the pix from the beginning (not rez, just size).

It's been a little trip down Memory Lane. I'm SO glad I started blogging! Journaling wasn't my thing, but this has worked for me.  I've been enjoying re-reading my posts -- I know how conceited that sounds -- but some things I had forgotten about. It's like looking thru an old diary or family album.

Ten years naturally means lots of changes...

I used to write a lot more. I remember when that changed - I had started writing newsletters for other people and was all out of words by the time I got to my blog. Also had some life-challenging years that just left me empty with little to say.

My parents were still alive.

My son was in college, then starting his career.

Harley & Blu2 were a big part of our life.

Friends coming & going. Jobs changing. Family changes. Even hobby changes!

I'm really glad to see my photography skills have improved. Not Annie Leibovits yet, but I've come a fair distance. (cut me some slack on the phone pix).  Sometimes I even get paid :)

I'm almost thru 2008 with the photo adjustments. Not sure how much farther this particular road is, but we'll just take it a post at a time.

Thanks to everyone who's joined me occasionally on this journey. I hope you've enjoyed my pictures and mind ramblings!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Duck Weather!

 It is pouring today! What an appropriate time to post my latest pictures.

A friend has had a mama duck take up residence in her front flower bed. She's really enjoying watching the daily comings & goings. She even put out a small tub of water for Mrs. Duck's enjoyment.

We're not sure when the ducklings will arrive but my friend will be keeping a close eye!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Texas Sunset

On a recent trip to Texas,we saw the most breathtaking sunset. You know the phrase, "riding off into the sunset." It literally looked like we were going to drive right into it. 

These are just phone pix taken while moving. We really should have pulled over, gotten the camera out of the bag and taken a decent shot.

But sometimes, the moment should just be seen with the eye, letting the soul soak it in.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Artsifyin' Random Stuff

While fumbling with my cell phone (a skill mentioned in a prior post), I accidentally clicked the camera button. I love random, odd pictures like this. I think you can make them interesting with different effects.

I had an hour to spend Monday afternoon and stopped at a new antique/junk store I spied recently. I loved this old typewriter. I've never seen one without a casing. Aren't those old, rusty innards wonderful? It was $75. I would've bought it for $10.

This is a closeup of the - I don't know what - typewriter wheel? I love it because it reminds me of the title sequence of Game of Thrones where the castles & turrets spin and click into place like gears.