Sunday, February 5, 2023

Showmen's Rest: part 2

Here is another wide shot of part of Showmen's Rest. Can you spot the the ghostly additions? Some are actual images of items related to the Kelly-Miller and Carson & Barnes circuses.

Herbie Weber, The Great Huberto, was in demand and performed with many circuses. He also appeared on Broadway in "Around the World in 80 Days" and in the movie "The Big Circus." He showed off on the low-wire, walking, running, jumping, and dancing across the wire.  He would walk up an incline wire to the top of the tent and slide backwards to the bottom. He would also fake a fall by attempting a jump and dramatically falling from the wire. His wife and the ringmaster would run to him begging him not to try again. He would do it anyway, succeeding, and bring the audience to their feet cheering.

This is the headstone of Albert Louis Vonderheid (and family?) The family name is etched in a festive circus style font. I really can't find information about him, but I think the monument does tell us a little about his life. Member of the United Zoological Assemblies. Other names listed are Maria Louise, National Park Ranger and Susan Annette, Circus Performer & School Teacher. The Riding Conleys and Circus Tow Truck are also mentioned. The quote says, Life on the road was our adventure, Circus or National Parks.

It was a lovely October day when we visited. Here's a closing shot. There's more to see so come back for part 3!

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