Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trying to Get Back in the Saddle

Earlier this evening, I was rummaging through my blog. I confess (without sounding conceited I hope), that I enjoyed reading some long-ago posts.  I'm really glad I wrote them because it's like looking through an old photo album or journal. A reminder of good times and some thoughtful introspection on coming through difficult times.

I want to write something new, but I'm coming up blank. Can't imagine why. We're over half-way through this year and it's been pretty interesting, to say the least.

Last year, I heard there was a huge field of wild horses not far from here. I ventured out one evening to see if I could spot them and get a cool picture. These are the photos that I never got around to posting. 

I noticed back in the spring, when we realized the pandemic wasn't going away anytime soon, I kinda lost some mojo for anything creative. I haven't been out with the camera at all this summer except for some real estate jobs. I did manage to make a small art doll and start two more. But my physical & creative energy has kinda suffered from all the global drama. 

Blogger has changed and I can't see how to delete photos or move them around yet. I would put the above one last in this post.  

I must be getting old - I don't like things changing all.the.time.  Not a helpful attitude to have in 2020!

So I need to motivate myself. Make a plan. I could venture out early next weekend and try getting some better shots of the horses. I also saw a pasture full of Shetland ponies not far south of here. 

Well, that was my weak attempt to get back to blogging. It can only get better from here, right?!

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