Monday, July 13, 2020

A Look Back

Last night, I was looking for something in my [crazy huge] file of pictures, and came across a folder from 2012. It was when we traveled back to Ohio for my dad's funeral. These are just a few photos from that trip that I always meant to edit and post.

The photo above was taken at the cemetery where my in-laws are buried. [It's not their monument; I just thought it was an interesting shot]

I've just finished the prequel book from The Hunger Games, which caused me to watch the movies again. The pictures above and below remind me of District 12. [not all of The Valley looks like this, by the way.]

I know this house below. At one time, it had so much potential. It's now abandoned and gradually disintegrating. The Ohio Valley has so much natural beauty, so much potential to be more than it is. It grieves me to see it dying.

OK, enough with the depressing black & white foggy look!

My bro-in-law is the Chief of a small town volunteer fire dept. His dad was Chief before him. This station is very active and beloved in the community.

The volunteers participated in my dad's service and also hosted a reception afterward. The family will always be grateful for this and the number of times they came when my dad needed help.

Later, we got a private tour of the station. Since then, they've been blessed with a brand new truck.

One of my favorite pictures ever is of my sister and her new husband on their wedding day, standing in front of the fire truck, all dressed in white. Her gown looked like something from a Disney movie, which made for fantastic contrast against that workhorse red machine.

Just those odd shots I like to do.

I think my photography has improved a bit in 8 years. Next time I go back, I want to do another photo shoot at the incredible old cemeteries there. You don't see anything like them in Oklahoma and I think I can do a better job of capturing those images than I did in 2008 (link here). Thinking that trip might happen next spring....

Hey, it was nice to get back to blogging again! 

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