Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Anniversary Vacation - pt 2 - 10.13.19 Alpaca Farm

From balloons to alpacas! Quite a difference.

I saw a silly video on YouTube of one of these cute critters and fell in love. When I came across a tourist brochure of an alpaca farm between Abq & Santa Fe, I said, "we've got to stop there!"

So on Sunday, after a hearty breakfast at Mimi's, we trekked up the highway to this little alpaca farm.

A very nice older couple owns it and they were so generous to give a little tour and answer everyone's questions.

The alpacas are somewhat reserved (reminds me of the afghan hound!). He said they don't like to be touched. That was hard! You just want to ruffle that soft, tousled topknot.

I was really hoping to buy some alpaca fiber, but apparently many others had the same idea. Once the balloon fiesta was over, people went up to Santa Fe (more on that later) and stopped at the farm, pretty much wiping out their products.

Aren't they adorable!

They would approach us if we had hay to feed them. They'd very gently pull a few straws from our hand.

This was a fun little stop, one of those serendipitous moments. If I ever land a windfall, guess what I'm going to buy?

The next post will be the Oct. 12 morning mass ascension of balloons. Be sure to check back because it was magical!

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