Thursday, October 17, 2019

Anniversary Vacation pt 8 - Roswell 10.15.19

Roswell. Synonymous with UFOs. I've always wanted to see it for myself :) So instead of starting back home after White Sands, we took a little side trip and looped over to Roswell. I'm so glad we did! It was a hoot.

Nope, this is not some kind of alien statue. It's a giant pistachio. Did you know New Mexico is a big producer of pistachios? Me either. Did you know pistachios grow on trees? Me either! Actually, I never gave it a thought, but here we are. On our way to Roswell, we came upon this huge store called McGinn's. Anything with a nutty statue outside is begging to be explored.

A grove of nut trees grew next to the store. McGinn's  had all kinds of pistachio products and bags of them in different flavors. They made great souvenir gifts for hubby's volunteer team back home.

After some nutty shopping, it was time to seek out the aliens.

The town has fun with its reputation. Above is the floor of the elevator in the hotel where we stayed. Below are the official greeters.

Check out the street lamps.

We went to the UFO Museum and spent several hours.

The museum is stuffed with information - newspaper stories, radio recordings, interviews with the people who were connected with the incident in '47, and this humorous display below.

This museum visitor came with a whimsical sense of humor!

This is only a display. But did it really happen?

Guess what kind of products the gift shop sells?

The rest of the pictures are my version of drive-by shootings. I wanted to capture as much of the city's whimsy as possible.

So .... what really happened here in 1947? Only a handful people really know.

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