Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Cincinnati Chronicles - Castles & Other Urban Architecture

Our hosts love city life. This park is right in front of their apartment. The arches are lit at night. There's an old church at the end of the street. The city library and a grocery store are within walking distance.

There were so many wonderful building murals and this is the only one I managed to get a picture of.

Near our hotel was a small replica of a castle. It's actually called Elsinore Arch.

It's such an odd sight in the midst of modern buildings. It was near our hotel and during some down time, we ventured out to, of course, get a picture.

The backstory - according to Google - in 1883 Cincinnati Water Works needed to build a new valve house in this spot and decided the structure should be deserving of the existing park's beauty. A Shakespearean Festival was taking place at Music Hall and Hamlet was being performed. The backdrop was a painted image of Elsinore Castle in Denmark. Someone saw it and the idea for a valve house castle was born.

I tried some atmospheric effects to make it look old and mysterious.

We're not sure where these steps lead. My husband went as far as the turn and said they keep going. We assumed they lead to Eden Park.

Wrapping up with a scene from Eden Park. In my next post, I'll show some views from the road.

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