Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Oklahoma Chronicles: Book II

We didn't make plans for any major vacation this year. Our son got married in February so we took a few days off for that. We visited the Ohio fam in June, and my sister spent a week with me here in July.

I had 2 weeks left and spent them on my very favorite month of the year, October. One week, I just enjoyed puttering around the house by myself doing the things I enjoy. Last week, the man & I vacationed at home the same way we would've done anywhere - having fun hanging out together.

We hit the road In Search of Fall and saw some beautiful color. Actually, I've seen more of Oklahoma this year than in all my 25 put together. So that's what Book II of The Oklahoma Chronicles will be about - a tour of my own backyard as seen through my lens.

Mind you - the first set of photos is not a typical sight. I've certainly never run across anything like it. But if you've never been here, this is probably what you imagined this state to look like:

Small towns, pickup trucks & horses.

Must feel good to go right past that pump and not shell out 35 bucks!

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